The Latest in Wireless

T-Mobile will likely overtake AT&T in total customers as growth accelerates for the carrier.
"The second-largest U.S. mobile service provider added 927,000 new phone customers in the period, according to a statement Wednesday. Analysts were expecting a gain of 921,000. The company also signed up 524,000 new high speed broadband subscribers, fewer than the 560,000 analysts predicted.
Thanks to a trove of midband airwaves acquired with the takeover of Sprint Corp. in April 2020, T-Mobile gained about a one-year lead in 5G service on rivals AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc" and Phase 1 has been central to their national 5G rollout.
"Because of the network we built, we’ve been able to attract a tremendously high amount of prime customers,” T-Mobile Chief Financial Officer Peter Osvaldik said Wednesday at a Citigroup Inc. investor conference."
Significant announcements are coming out of this years CES show where "Cox Communications, the privately held cable and internet company, plans to announce the national launch of Cox Mobile on Thursday at the Consumer Electronics Show."
Cable companies are facing tough competition from consumers who are willing to cut the cord more and more. "Cable operators began offering mobile service with the aim of giving customers another reason not to leave their broadband plans. This holds true now more than ever, as profitability for these business units is in sight."
Phase 1 is proud to be part of T-Mobiles 5g growth. As a preferred vendor for mobile communications carriers such as Sprint, T-Mobile, Nextel, Verizon, and Dish Networks and participant in national rollouts, Phase 1 stays up to date with the latest trends in wireless.