Where to How to place EV Charging Stations?

Aside from existing infrastructure such as garages and parking lots, it can be a difficult choice on how many EV charging stations to install and where to place them. For municipalities, it becomes even more unclear as retail, hotels, and restaurants also begin adding stations leaving most cities "looking to public property, like libraries, rest stops, or parks, to install stations because of anticipated regular traffic."
There is also the decision of which type of charger and how many to install. There are basically 3 levels of EV chargers available to today. Types 1, 2, and 3. Type 1 is the slowest and do not expect much of a charge at all while plugged in, while type 3 can charge an EV’s battery completely in approximately 1-hour. You will typically see more type 1 chargers where the charging is free but they are really not all that helpful so it probably better to offer type 2 or 3 and charge for it.
Other considerations to consider is having the electrical infrastructure to support the type of charger you want to install. For type 1 chargers, it is usually as simple as having a wall plug while type 3 chargers require DC vs. AC and higher voltage output than most existing residential locations have therefor significant upgrades might have to occur.
Having a good partner can help make decisions easier as there are number of considerations to make when installing an EV charger or several and that is where Phase 1 can help. Learn more here on how cities are tackling the issue. Leave a comment below or click here to learn more about how Phase 1 can handle your EV installation.